If you know | Romantic Love Story | Part 1/42

If you know |  | Part 1/42

If you know | SM Mahfj Alam  | Part 1/42

Rupa started throwing the pillows from the bed on the floor one by one. Throw away the bed sheet too. The vase on the table was thrown violently to the floor so that it broke.

Its loud noise reached the ears of Aziz Chowdhury. Looking up from the newspaper, Sahela looked at Begum and said,

- Do you want to make the house crazy? Tenants are not getting peace. Vandalism inside the house all the time. Who will bear them?'

Hearing Aziz Chowdhury, Sahela Begum coldly said,

-'His parents were coming today. That's why he's doing it. Rupa can't stand parents at all.'

Aziz Chowdhury said with a bit of annoyance,

- 'Is there a shortage of money for his parents? A good mental hospital can not treat the girl? This is the home of the gentleman.'

- 'Why do you say this? And silver is almost normal. Do you want to keep your child crazy?'

- 'Even if my child is not kept in a madhouse, I would not put it on someone else's neck.'

This is why Aziz Chowdhury opened his eyes again in the newspaper. There is no point in saying anything to Sahela Begum about Rupa. He is positive about it. Silver will always support. Aziz Chowdhury mumbles these quietly.

Sahela Begum got up quickly and went to the silver room. The room is in a bad condition. Rupa sits on the floor and cries with hiccups.

Sahel Begum went and patted Rupa's head and said in a loving tone,

- 'What happened to my silver mother Monir? Who is angry?'

Rupa stopped crying and hugged Saleha Begum and said,

- 'Why did that woman come today? I did not make him come.'

-'She is your mother Rupa. Who is mother called a woman?'

- 'You are my mother.'

- 'Your two mothers. That is your big mother and your little mother.'

- 'No, no, I have only one mother. That's you.'

Rupa's madness will not stop until she agrees to Rupa's words. Sahela Begum smiled and said,

- 'Well, well! I am your mother.'

Rupa gave a smile of victory. Who will say that this girl cried a little earlier? He was behaving like a madman, breaking everything in the room.

Sahela Begum now said in a threatening tone,

- 'Rupa, how many days have I told you not to mess up the bed like this. Why do you mess up the whole room?'

Rupa crouched next to Sahela Begum and said,

-'I was in a bad mood after seeing that woman.'

-'That woman again...'

Sahela Begum stopped even while speaking.

Rupa sat quietly on the chair with a calm expression. Twenty-one-year-old girl Rupa. Soft, beautiful face, eyes are dark, skin color is dark. This brown color of the skin has increased the sweetness of the silver face. Thick to the knees, black silence. Looks like a dark idol!

A small black mole under the lip. All in all, a brunette fairy. Silver is sometimes normal, sometimes abnormal. Sometimes calm, sometimes stormy.

Sahela Begum took the bottle of oil from the dressing table and let her rub the oil carefully on the silver hair and said,

- 'Never vandalize the house again, mother. Your father is upset. listens to me.'

Rupa said quietly.


Sahela Begum combed her long, thick hair and braided it. Sometimes looking at the silver hair. Why is the girl's hair so beautiful?

Sahela Begum picked up the bed sheets and pillows from the floor and started arranging them one by one. Cleaned the broken pieces of the vase.

Sahela Begum is busy with work. Seizing the opportunity, Rupa ran to the roof with a box of pickles.

Turan is sitting on a chair in a corner of the roof and looking at the book with one look. Big eyes, big glasses. Curly hair, expression of seriousness on the face. Engineering fourth year student Turan. Very focused on education! Don't say more than necessary. Restrained. Rupa stepped slowly and stood behind Turan. The pickle left in the container was poured on Turan's head. Turan stood up in shock. Pickled oil is running down the nose and mouth. The shirt is already stained.

Rupa is standing next to her and smiling. Turan, exasperated with exasperation, shouted,

- 'This girl is your problem', what do you say? what are you doing Does the new shirt spoil Dili? I just shampooed my hair. I wasted the bath too.'

Turan's nose and face turned red in anger. Rupa is not afraid at all. Rather enjoying it. Unable to contain his anger, Turan shouted again,

-'I'm going to Uncle Ankel, the landlord. At the end of the month, I rent so much money to bear this para.'

Silver stood in the way. He said in a pleading tone,

-'Please don't tell your father. I am giving shampoo and soap, take a bath again.'

Turan clenched his jaw.

-'Who will pay for my ruined shirt?'

- 'I will bring one hundred rupees from my mother and you buy the shirt.'

Turan does not know whether to laugh or cry. One hundred rupees shirt! What is really wrong with this girl's head? Or does anyone do that?

Rupa held her ear and said,

-'It's as if I caught my ear and it won't happen again. Please don't tell your father. I am afraid.'

Rupa's behavior sometimes makes Turan think that Rupa is a five-seven-year-old child. Why is the girl like that? How mysterious.

And Rupa begs for forgiveness in such a way that she cannot even complain to anyone. He even sits up by his ears.

Turan said,

-'That day I went to the roof with lungi sun. You tear that lungi and blindfold yourself and play with the boys and girls. If you ruined my shirt today. What have you got?'

Rupa puffed up her cheeks and said,

-'Vablakant Mashai still could not forget the grief of that old lungi. Hey, when a person dies, there is no more mourning after three days. And you did not mourn your lungi for fifteen days.'

That's why Rupa laughed out loud. Turan glared at Rupa. Turan's eyes are silver when he sees them,

- 'Why look this way? I'm afraid.'

Turan said angrily,

- 'Next time if you do this then I will really judge. No matter how much you plead, it won't work. You are a mature girl. But act like children.'

Rupa curved her lips and said,

- 'Rupa Babu I am.'

Turan smiled involuntarily at Rupa's expression. He said in a low tone.


To be continued...
Next Part is 2/42
