Achievement of Prapty | Family Novel | Part 3/4


Achievement of Prapty | Family Novel | Part 3/4

As soon as I receive it, I will say, Mom, you are going to be a grandfather.

And then, from the other side, came the voice of the voice,

Madhur Abhay's condition is very bad Abhay has an accident,

Now we are in the hospital.

The mobile phone falls from my hand, mother comes quickly and takes the mobile phone to her ear and asks, what happened to you? Mother replies that Abhay met with an accident on the way to office. My Abhay's condition is very bad. We are in the hospital now.

Ammu said, you don't have to worry, you don't have to worry, we will come soon.

Maliha screamed from her side, that poor honey should not come to see my husband. Otherwise, I will cause an accident, because of her curse, I am in this condition today.

Mom hangs up the phone and tells me to hurry to the hospital.

- You and father go. I will not go.

- What do you say? Abhay's condition and you will not go?

- No, I will not go. You go, I am at home.

Abbu Ammu went to see Abhay. I sat with a prayer and prayed. I believe that my God will not return me empty-handed.

After about two hours, my mother's phone came, until now I have been praying to my God for Abhay.

- What is Abhay's condition now? Is he okay? Please tell me.

- There is no danger now, mother. The doctor said there is no reason to fear, but...

-But what mom? Tell me. Don't be silent, please mom.

Abhay has lost the ability to be a father due to the injury of the accident. He will never be able to be a father again. His life has been saved for a while, mother.

- What are you saying?

- Yes, mother! I thank God that Abhay is alive. Your mother-in-law has arrived, I am keeping it now.

- Well, mom.

- Don't worry, everything will be fine. Thank God that nothing happened.

Mom and dad come home at night.

The next day I went to the hospital and saw Abhay from afar, talked to the mother. So that Maliha doesn't see me, she will cry if she sees me.

After 4 days, Abhay was taken home. Mom and Dad visited him every day with food. I wanted to go to that house but I could not go because of Maliha's ban.

Abhay is recovering little by little. Every day I call my mother and ask her how she is and what she is doing.

Mother is taking care of her service, but I don't understand why Maliha is not doing it.

I told my mother on the phone, I want to see her very much, I want to serve her.

Mother tell me, don't you come, mother. Then Maliha will cause chaos in the house.

A month passed like this.

Abhay's child is growing in my womb. Abhay is also very healthy now.

I told mother that mother is going to be grandfather.

Mom, is she crying? I asked, aren't you happy mom?

Mother's reply was, I can't tell you how happy you made me, mother. That was my cry of happiness.

Mother has not told anything to Abhay yet.

Ma says, Maliha's behavior has also changed. She doesn't care who Abhay is now.

- Maliha,

- Say yes.

- Why are you so far away from me now? Come and sit a little?

- What will happen next?

- What do you mean when you come close?

- Please don't talk so much, it doesn't feel good.

-Mom, did you hear?

- What happened, father?

- Why did Maliha suddenly become like this?

- What do you know, father? How can I say? Maybe you are upset because you are sick. Nothing. Don't worry so much.

12.00 pm.

- What's going on Abhay? Let go. Sleep. It's night.

- Why are you doing this to me? Why are you far away?

- Then what will I do? I will sit on your lap?

- What do you want? Why are you doing this? You wanted me to take Madhu out of the house, I gave it to you. You said you can't cook. do you want

- I want freedom.

- means?

- I mean, I want freedom, I want divorce.

- Is your head okay? Do you know what you are saying? Are you thinking about it?

- Yes, I'm thinking about it, I don't want to waste my life under the same roof with you.

-If you are with me, will your life be ruined?

- Yes, what can you give me? Can I expect this or more from you? Can you give me a child? Can you call me mother? Can't.

- Maliha,

- Shut up, shut up. You will never be a father. You lost this ability with the accident. And I can't spend my whole life with a disabled man like you. So I have decided that I will not be with you anymore, tomorrow morning I will leave this house. I will go

- Please Maliha, don't punish me so much. Please.

- Sorry, I can't have a family with you.

Next day, 10 am...

-Are you really leaving me?

- Yes.

- Won't you remember me? I love you so much, Maliha, please don't leave me alone. Please.

-Love? Huh! The love that will deprive me of being a mother, the love that cannot give me children, I don't need that kind of love. You stay with your love. I will send the divorce letter in a few days. Come on.

- Wife, mother, wait, don't go.

- Please don't stop me, or I will be forced to misbehave.

-Let him go, mother, let him go. All are the result of my sins. For which I have to suffer the punishment.

Maliha leaves Abhay.

- You see Abhay, this was your Maliha's love. Your Maliha is a selfish girl. Who doesn't understand love, compassion, love relationship. She only understands her own interests. And my honey....

Jakage, now you understand how big a mistake you made by marrying her and driving Madhu away? I don't want to say anything more.

-Mago! What's wrong with Maliha, everyone wants to be a mother. Every girl has a dream to be a mother. I can't fulfill her dream, I can't be a father someday.

I can't be a father. All my sins are the result of my sins. All are the results of my sins. I have done a great wrong with Madhu for which Allah is punishing me.

- Don't cry, father, don't cry. Who said you can't be a father? You will be a father. And I will also be a grandfather.

- Don't dream falsely, mother, don't dream falsely, dear.

- I am not dreaming any lie. Lift your face Abhay, lift your head. Stop crying.

Listen to me. You are going to be a father. And I am a grandfather. Our honey, our honey is going to be a mother.

- What are you saying, mother?

- Yes Ray. Our honey is going to be the mother of your child. I didn't tell you that you were sick.

- What do you say, mother? I am going to be a father?

- Let go Abhay, I can't go, I can't go to fetch Madhu, which face will I take? I can't go.

-Okay, I'm going alone. I'm going to fetch my honey, I'm going alone.

Saying this, Abhay left home to bring back Madhu...

Will Madhuki come with Abhay?
Or will Abhay be returned empty-handed?
You will know in the next Part. Next Part is 4/4
stay tuned
