Achievement of Prapty | Family Novel | Part 2/4

Achievement of Prapty | Family Novel | Part 2/4

I asked Abhay, who is he?

Abhay replied: Some time ago we got married, and my wife is Maliha.

I fell senseless...

Mother in law came running and saw me lying on the floor and Abhay and his newly wedded wife Maliha were standing there laughing.

My mother-in-law quickly brought water and splashed it on my face. I regained consciousness, but it was better for me not to regain consciousness. I can't bear it. My husband has become someone else's today.

Mother-in-law abused Abhay a lot, why didn't she tell me before marrying me that she was having a relationship with another person. Why did she marry me. Mother had a lot of arguments with Abhay about this. She didn't want to let her enter the house. But I didn't want her to lose her child. Ok. So I said to mother, no problem, mother. Tell them to come in. I am leaving my room for them. Abhay's father is abroad, he has returned to Dubai after a few days.

I said to my mother, will I have a place in your house?

Mother is holding me and crying and saying, I never wanted this. But why did this happen?

We have ruined your life, mother, we have ruined it.

- No, mother, what happened to my fate. Can anyone break the writing of fate, mother?

Mother is holding me tightly to her chest and crying.

Today is the worst night of my life. I am spending the night with pain in my chest. And on the other side my husband, naa naa Maliha's husband is drunk with flower decorations with his wife Maliha.

I spent a sleepless night.

In the morning, I made breakfast and prepared it on the table. It is 10.30 am, Abhay and Maliha are still sleeping. They will sleep, they could not sleep all night.

At 11 o'clock they both came to the breakfast table.

I called mother, mother did not come. After feeding them both, I went to mother, forcefully fed mother, mother also fed me.

While preparing to cook lunch, I saw Maliha standing in the kitchen room. I went near and said to Maliha,

You call me sister. Call me if you need anything. Will you cook today?

- Are you upset? That I will cook? I came here to explain cooking to the workers. To tell what will be cooked today.

- Mother and I do the cooking, the workers do other things. You tell me what to cook, I will do it.

- No, it will not be necessary, I will order from outside.

Saying this, Maliha left.

Calling back to no avail.

Returning home at night, Abhay abused me in unspeakable language, I misbehaved with Maliha.

I cried believing Maliha's false allegations.

Mother came and scolded Abhay and sent him to his room.

don't cry mom

Me: No mom, I am not crying. I am not crying at all.

It has been 2 weeks since Abhay and Maliha got married.

Mother come and tell me, Abhay has called me today.

don't know what to say

I went and stood in front of Abhay, after so many days he called me, what to say, thousands of questions in my mind.

-Say something?

- Yes


- You have been in this house for many days. After I married Maliha, your parents came to take you, but you didn't go. I don't know what you are hoping for, why. But today I will make a request to you, will you keep it?

- Say yes.

- Please leave this house.

What are you saying?

- You heard it right, please honey! Leave this house. Maliha can't stand you. If she sees you, Maliha gets suffocated. And I can't bear Maliha's pain. I can't bear it. Please leave.

-Just like you can't stand your wife's pain. I can't stand your pain either. I'll leave, I promise. You don't beg like that. Hands down please.

I am leaving, and I am praying that you will be happy. Very happy. One more thing, if ever such a day comes, you feel alone or no one is by your side, then remember me, I am by your side forever, I will be. Come on. ..

I didn't want to leave this house before my death. But today my husband ordered me to leave this house, so I have to go. I will miss this house, this house, the balcony, the blooming flowers, the seedlings that I have planted myself. .

And the people of this house.

My mother-in-law will not let me go. My father-in-law is calling and asking me to stay.

But I have no way to stay.

Abhay has blocked all avenues.

My mother and father went and brought me home. And I came by telling them that I will never marry again, if they agree to this condition, then I will come home with them, or I will go wherever my eyes go. Mother and father said, I will do whatever I want. It will be. So I came home holding my father's hand.

I have told my mother, when she remembers this girl, she should call. And when she wants to see her, she should come.

Days are passing, but my tears are not stopping. I will spend the rest of my life with Abhay's memory in my heart.

I don't want to feel too upset from being alone in the room, so even if mom goes to the kitchen room, she keeps me standing next to her. Mom is cooking, and suddenly I feel dizzy.

Mom quickly called the doctor. The doctor came and told my mom,

You are going to be a grandmother.

Madhu is going to be a mother.

Ammu and I will be happy after hearing this, our faces became dirty.

I don't understand what is happening with us. Abhay threw me out of his life and now Abhay's part is in my womb. What should I do now?

Mom tell me to spoil the baby.

But I won't do that, what if Abhay rejects me?

I will show his child, our child, the light of the world.

Abbu returned home and heard from Amma that I am going to be a mother. Abbu is overjoyed. Abbu also said, we will raise him like us. My little one will be a brother.

Mom said, no, not at all. My little one will have a brother.

In this way, there was a quarrel between them. Father said that his Nanu will be his brother, which means that he will be my daughter.

And mom doesn't say her uncle will be my brother, it means my son will be.

I took the mobile phone to tell the good news to my mother-in-law. Before I could answer the call, my phone rang, my mother called her.

As soon as I receive it, I will say, Mom, you are going to be a grandfather.

And then, from the other side, came the voice of the voice,

Madhur Abhay's condition is very bad Abhay has an accident,

Now we are in the hospital.

To be continued...
Next Part is 3/4
