If you know | Romantic Love Story | Part 3/42

If you know | SM Mahfj Alam  | Part 3/42

If you know | SM Mahfj Alam  | Part 3/42

Rupa sat up with sleepy eyes. Sahela Begum is sitting next to her.
- 'Why did you break Turan's tea mug? No matter how many days I tell you, don't vandalize. If Turan gave justice to your father?'
Rupa's head is bowed in the criminal's posture.
- 'If you don't listen to me, I will bring you to your parents.'
Rupa looked at Sahela Begum helplessly. pleaded,
- 'No, I won't do that again. Please don't give me to them. I don't like them. They kill me.'
-'If you do such a thing, everyone will kill you.'
Rupa doesn't say anything else. Sahela Begum left the room. Aziz Chowdhury has returned home. After taking a bath, he is sitting on the bed reading a book while half asleep. Sahela Begum is arranging food on the table. Aziz Chowdhury called from the dining room. Aziz Chowdhury went to the dining room with Sahela Begum's call.
He was reading the book with great attention. Where is the book reading for Sahela Begum Chillapalla? Make a Prime Minister's Bus for every house in Bengal. That is the wife of the house. Thousands of people from all offices moved under Aziz Chowdhury's order. And Aziz Chowdhury has to follow his wife's words. There is no opportunity to disobey the wife. Stop cooking for two days.
Aziz Chowdhury went to the dining room with annoyance. Sitting on the chair, Sahela looked at Begum and said,
- 'Couldn't you eat a little later? I was reading a little book.'
Sahel looked at Begum Aziz Chowdhury with an angry look.
- 'No, don't stay. I will read a book after eating.
Handling duties every day, cooking Aziz Chowdhury's favorite dishes. Sahela Begum does all the housework with one hand. Aziz Chowdhury does not think where this man gets so much patience? Childless Sahela Begum. Aziz Chowdhury and he are family. What is the need of workers in the family of two people? And born as a girl, if the husband can not cook and feed, then where is the glory? Sahela Begum is a beautiful thinker. There is no shortage of money. After all, there is only one imperfection. no children
Aziz Chowdhury said with the food in his mouth.
- 'Your cooking is incomparable, Sahela.'
-'I'm tired of listening to compliments for twenty-five years.'
Aziz Chowdhury smiled and said,
-'I never get tired of eating your cooking.'
Sahela Begum does not speak. The body feels very tired. Hastily ate and went to bed.
Aziz Chowdhury sat again with the book in hand. The man is a bookworm. A lot of addiction to reading books.
-' Silver status is improving? How many days like this? The girl is a medical student. What sharp was the girl.
Sahela Begum said with her eyes closed.
-'Somewhat healthier than before. I try my best. The rest is God's will.'
Sahela Begum fell asleep while talking.
Turan let the shirts and pants dry in the sun on the roof. Not watching now. Getting moody, more annoying than that. Who will do this work but silver?
When Turan knocked on the door, Sahela Begum opened the door. Turan found himself in an embarrassing situation. What if someone else hides? It is very inappropriate to ask like this.
- 'Will father say something?'
Turan said bitterly,
-'Actually aunty was letting shirts and pants dry on the roof. I don't see now. I came to ask if Rupa has hidden it.'
Turan paused and said,
- 'No, no, Aunt Rupa can hide it. I'm coming to ask a little.'
-'Rupa does that sometimes. He likes to annoy you. You sit down while I watch.'
Turan sat on the sofa. What a bad situation! He did not let his clothes dry on the roof for many days because of this fear. It does not dry in the room even after three days. So again forced to dry on the roof.
-'What color shirt is yours?'
Turan came out of the world of thought with Sahela Begum's words.
Turan said with a smile on his lips.
- 'Black shirt, black pants.'
Sahela Begum kept quiet and said,
-'I can't take the girl anymore!'
Sahela Begum said again with a look of annoyance on her face.
- 'Your shirt, pants are silver. He is sleeping. Let him wake up.'
Turan sat down after eating. Sahela Begum said again,
- 'Rupa is disturbing you a lot, isn't it?'
Do not disturb, just eating my head! To be polite, Turan said,
- 'No, no aunty is not disturbing.'
He woke up and walked randomly and said,
"You came for shirts and pants?" Black is my favorite color. So I'm bringing it. I will not give anymore.'
What a fluent way the stupid girl is talking. Turan doesn't know what to say. Sahela Begum looks at Rupa angrily. Rupa became silent in fear. He looked at Turan with a frightened look and said,
-'Come to the house for a little shirt, pants?'
-'Shut up!'
Rupa was scared by Sahela Begum's words.
- 'Change the shirt and pants immediately and give him.'
- How to change immediately? Change can be done by sitting in front of people.'
Turan felt ashamed after hearing Rupa's words. Sahel Begum is looking at Rupa with red eyes.
Suppressing his anger, he said,
- 'Go to the room and change.'
-'I'm not saying I won't give it.'
Sahela Begum slapped Rupera's cheek. Turan yawns and stares.
Sahela Begum shouted and said,
-'I have to be small to people for you. If you do that, I will inform your parents.'
Guilt is working in Turan. It would have been better if he had not been slapped like this. Turan said,
- 'Stay aunty! Don't tell him anything.'
Turan is unable to reconcile the accounts. Is Rupa Sahela Begum's daughter?
Rupa is crying with her hands on her cheeks. Turan's illusion. Turan does not understand why the girl is like this?
- 'Who is your Aunt Rupa?'
-'Sister's daughter.'
Turan did not speak.
- 'Aunty I am coming. He is like that. There is no point in saying anything to him. If he doesn't want the shirt, pants don't have to be returned.'
The nearby glass suddenly threw silver on Turan's head. cried out,
- 'Itar, Satan, I will set your shirt and pants on fire. Mom killed me for you.'
Turan's forehead is bleeding. Sahela Begum is standing in the place.
Turan is standing with his hand on his forehead.
What will you slap the silver? No! Can't stay in this house anymore. The girl is doing too much.

To be continued...
Next Part is 4/42
