The Time Between Us | Romantic Love Story | Season-1 | Part 1/17

The Time Between Us | Romantic Love Story

Called Safran Sindha standing in front of the coaching. It's been a long time and still not coming. It's 7:00. Safran called Snigdha a few more times.

But Snigdha is not receiving. After a while Safran saw Snigdha coming down alone. She doesn't have her girlfriends with her. Safran rushes towards Snigdha, Snigdha backs away in fear. As Saffran moves towards Snigdha, Snigdha backs away. Snigdha realizes that her back is against the wall and now there is no chance to move a hair. Snigdha closes her eyes in fear. Fell. And that's when Safran held Snigdha's hands tightly against the wall.

"Woo bro leave"

I am in pain, Snigdha screamed in pain.

"Don't worry, always tell your naughty, naughty, boy first?"

"Which boy" said the words of saffran.

Now Safran held Snigdha's hand tighter "Which boy isn't it, the two of them played together in front of the college, laughed, and came home on the boy's bike, now tell me which boy"

- Oh, he is my friend.

- Your friends. I know all your friends, and what kind of friends are you?

  Snigdha was shocked by Safran's question, now

Saffron will kill you if you tell the truth, or if you don't tell the truth, you will kill him. Snigdha hummed "my facebook friend"

- Your Facebook friend, you met your Facebook friend and went on a date, you have grown a lot sweetie. How many times have I told Phupi not to give you mobile, wait, today I am telling you everything at home.

- Safran brother, I fell at your feet. Please don't say anything at home. It won't happen again.

- I am not forgiving you today, sweetie, give me the mobile phone.

Snigdha was shocked by Safran's words, 'No, I will not give the mobile.'

What did you say?

-- I will not give mobile.

- If you give a mobile phone, all the thefts will be caught, right?

---I have done no wrong, I have grown up enough, what I do with whom I hang out with is entirely up to me. Why do you ask me for forgiveness bro. You are mine,,,,

Snigdha could not finish speaking, meanwhile, five fingers of saffron sat on Snigdha's soft cheek. Snigdha was looking at Safran with wide eyes and her hand on her cheek.

There was clear hatred in those eyes. Saffron said through his teeth

"You've been out many times, I never thought it would be so bad not to get into college, let's go home now"

Snigdha was slapped by Safran and couldn't control herself anymore and cried, Safran looked around and held Snigdha's face.

---'Shut up, shut up, if you cry one more time, I'll slap you two more, shut up.

Snigdha was quieted by Saffran's words, but she started to cry.

"Get on the bike, and give the mobile here"

Snigdha didn't listen to any of Safran's words, she stood as if free.

- Say lock key

-- dog

What did you say?

-- Tell me the lock password of the mobile,,,

--I mean "dog"

Safran got even more angry after hearing the strange password of Snigdha. 'Well sit on the bike'

Safran noticed that Snigdha was not wearing winter clothes. Safran took off his jacket and put it on Snigdha, then asked Snigdha to get on the bike.

Snigdha didn't protest any more, quietly got on the bike, started the saffron bike and headed towards Snigdha's house through the narrow road. There is no word in anyone's mouth. Only the faint sound of sniffing is coming. Snigdha insulted Safran more than a hundred times in her mind. She looked at Safran's neck and made various expressions. Snigdha wants to bite Safran's neck and remove the neck meat. Safran

He stopped the bike in front of Snigdha's house, then asked Snigdha to get down, as soon as Snigdha got down, Safran took out a tissue from his pocket and gave it to Snigdha. I'll kill you and burn you."

Snigdha didn't say anything, just looked at Safran with a helpless look.

- Well, go home

-- But my mobile.

--- I won't get your mobile today. Snigdha started to cry again with hiccups at Safran's words.

--'Hush, be quiet, Phupimani, but from tomorrow I will stop going to college.

Snigdha became silent at Safran's words, then quickly walked into the house. Safran stood in front of Snigdha's house for a while.

Safran's head is on fire. After seeing Snigdha with a frivolous boy in front of Snigdha's college in the afternoon, Safran's head and heart are on fire.

Snigdha is Safran's cousin. But Safran likes Snigdha since childhood. At first Safran didn't care about her feelings, but as time went on, he realized that Safran loves Snigdha. But still Safran convinces himself, this feeling is not love, but responsibility. Meanwhile, Snigdha is completely ignorant. More than children. Sometimes Safran gets madder when he sees Snigdha's bachami. And sometimes he gets bored. Safran comes home and looks at his hand. Anger rises to his head. Safran slaps Snigdha with this hand. Safran After punching the wall a few times, blood started flowing from Safran's hand. Why Safran slapped Snigdha. Soothing the emotion, Safran started checking Snigdha's mobile. No password was given anywhere. Safran started checking everything from Gallery, Facebook, Instagram. Safran would not have understood if Snigdha's mobile phone had not been checked today. Snigdha is slowly getting worse. After seeing some porn videos on her mobile phone, Safran's earlier anger came up again.

'How bad is the girl at this age'. After deleting the porn videos from the mobile phone, Safran checked Snigdha's messenger. Safran also saw the plan to go out with a boy named Atiq Ahmed. After checking the old conversation between the boy and Snigdha, he felt chest or side pain again. Either Safran's. The pain which Safran has been feeling since this afternoon.

Even if there is no love relationship with the boy, there was a feeling of love between the two. The boy is also trying his best to woo Snigdha. Safran blocked the boy from Snigdha's ID. Then deleted all the photos of Snigdha from Facebook and locked the Facebook profile. Safran blocked all the boys in the friend list.

  There is no sleep in Snigdha's eyes. Snigdha is slowly realizing how terrible it is to have her personal mobile in someone else's hands. Tears are still falling from Snigdha's eyes, why is Safran Bhai punishing her so much. Snigdha does not feel good without her mobile. the sweetness

Suddenly Snigdha ran to the balcony with a sound. And then Safran grabbed Snigdha's face and pressed her against the wall. Snigdha is shocked at this sudden act of Safran. Safran is looking at Snigdha with angry eyes. Snigdha mumbles "Kill me or let me go"

:-I will kill you. You go out so many times. You talk to bad boys. You watch bad videos.

At Safran's words, Snigdha began to cry, but could not say anything.

Safran left Snigdha, handed the mobile to Snigdha and said "Don't add any boy in ID, don't watch any bad video, don't talk to any unknown boy on mobile, I will check your mobile any time"

Snigdha nodded her head with frightened eyes and agreed. Safran sat at Snigdha's table and said, "What has Phupimani cooked today, I am very hungry, bring what you have."

I will call my mother.

No need to say that Phupimani is sleeping, and I am coming this late. Bring some food slowly.

Snigdha went to the kitchen and took out the cold food from the fridge and heated it.

'Don't eat this, hurry up, I'm going to sleep'.

:-Why are you lying, you will sleep, you will sleep at three o'clock, when the charge of the mobile phone is over, of course I have brought it after the charge of your mobile phone, you have to sleep tonight.

Snigdha looked at Safran with angry eyes, Safran looked at him with a smile and started eating, 'you have eaten'


I don't think so from the looks. The way you are looking at my food. Come sit here.

Snigdha sat on the chair like a girl who obeyed Safran's words. 'Eat from my plate.' You remember from childhood you used to share my plate, the habit has changed now that you have grown up.

Snigdha doesn't respond to Safran's words. She keeps eating silently. Safran is fascinated by looking at Snigdha. She can be such a magical girl. Instead of milky skin, a beautiful nose. A pair of eyes like the artist's Aka picture, eyes that once looked at, no one can take their eyes off of those eyes. Sensational pink lips. This girl has all the looks to make anyone swoon.

After seeing Snigdha looking at Snigdha with one look of Safran, Snigdha lowered her face. Saffron snaps back to reality at the sound of the fish being cut. Snigdha is eating the cut of fish like a cat. This girl is crazy about cutting fish since she was a child. When everyone sits together to eat, not even a cut of fish can be left out. And the head of the fish goes on one person's plate. There is no difference. Safran washes his hands and sits Snigdha next to him and says, "I I wish you well dear, on the path you are going, you will have nothing but bad name, study well, fulfill your father's dream.

Snigdha nodded and agreed to Safran's words.

:- Well, I am going now, you go to sleep. And there is no need to tell Phupimani that I was coming.

:-Okay brother.

:-And take these chocolates for you.

After getting the chocolate, Snigdha forgets all the anger and insults of the past, and starts eating the chocolate box with her hand. Safran sees Snigdha's childishness and cuts a tea on Snigdha's head and comes down from the balcony. Then she leaves for home with her bike. As soon as Safran left, Snigdha put the mobile phone on the charger and kept on pressing the mobile phone. And in her mind she started abusing Safran in different languages. Snigdha's friend list has now become a girl's list, she only has Safran's brother as a boy,,,. Snigdha's wish is for Safran. He wants to block but does not have the courage.

To be continued... Season-1 | Part 1/17
