Achievement of Prapty | Family Novel | Part 4/4


Achievement of Prapty | Family Novel | Part 4/4

I'm going to fetch my honey, I'm going alone.

Saying this, Abhay left home to bring back Madhu...

The calling bell is ringing.

I opened the door at the sound of the calling bell.

When I opened it, I was shocked like seeing a ghost.

- you?

- Yes, I am.

- Come on in. Sit down.

- How are you honey?

- Here it goes.

- you?

- I am being punished for the wrong I have done to you.

- This is not to say, I did not curse you, but I prayed for you all the time.

- I know, but God is punishing me as a result of hurting you. I also want to atone for it. I have come to take you honey.

- Sorry! I can't go with you.

- Please don't honey, today Maliha has left me forever.

- Oh this? So you came to pick me up for this? When Maliha comes again, you will push me out by the neck, won't you?

- No, honey, Maliha will not come again. She is completely gone.

- Why did you leave? You have so much love, for which you made me apart from my family. But why did the person you love leave you today?

- Why did he go? Because I can never give him the happiness of being a mother. I can never be a father. I have lost the ability to be a father.

- Wow, this is your love? He left you because he could not be a father.

-Please honey don't hurt me anymore.

- I'm bothering you? Well said.

- Come with me honey, mom is waiting for you.

- Sorry Mr. Abhay I will not go. You go back.

- Even if you don't go, I can take my child. And since my child is in your womb, you must go with me.

- Wow! Your child has become your child today. But you never wanted your child to come into my womb. You never loved me. This child is mine. You have no right over my child. Go away.

- I will not move a foot without you and my child.

- Listen, this honey will not go with you to your house. Because even a little bit of this honey has a sense of honor.

- Who came honey! Why are you screaming so much?

- Assalamu Alaikum mother.

-Walaikum Assalam. How are you Abhay? How is your body now?

- This is good, Alhamdulillah. How are you?

- Here I am, father. Why are you standing? Sit down.

- Mom, I have come to pick up Madhu.

- But your Maliha?

- Maliha has left the house, she will not come back.

- Honey! What do you say? Abhay has come to pick you up.

- I am too much for you?

- What are you saying?

- Then ask him to go back, I will not go with him.

Saying this I came to my room.

I went to the lunch table and saw that Abhay was also sitting. Maybe my mother told me to eat at noon. I won't say anything more, she has been told a lot. Although I didn't want to say it, she should understand a little.

-Grow food on Madhu Abhay's plate.

-You give it mom.

- Well, I give the contract.

Lunch is over. I am sitting in the hall room. Oma! I see Abhay going to my room. Will he go home or not?

- Why is Abhay going to my room mom?

- The body feels bad, so rest.

- There is no other room? I have to rest in my room?

-Don't be silent, it will hurt if you listen.

- It's evening, Abhay is supposed to go back home now, why isn't he going? Mom go and tell him it's evening, to go back home.

- You go and tell.

- Is this Abhay Sahib listening? It's evening, don't you go home? It will be night after a while. Get up quickly from my bed.

- Umm, get out of here, or come and sit, pull my hair.

- You mean? Get up, get up quickly.

- Why get up?

- Why do you mean to get up? It's evening, don't you have to go home?

-Uh, I won't go home without taking my wife.

- I didn't say I won't go.

-Then I won't go either.

- What do you mean I will not go?

- I will not go, I mean I will stay. I will stay with my child.

-Oi, don't be afraid, you will go at this moment.

- Uhu honey wife, I will not go. As long as you don't go with me, I will stay here, with my wife, with my child.


-What happened?

- Don't see what Abhay is saying.

-What are you saying?

- He won't go home, he will stay in this house.

- So what happened? Stay. Frog.

- Mom, you too? Damn...

I walked out of my room with pride.

I went to bed after having dinner, I saw him lying on one side of my bed with a lap pillow.

-That you are lying here?

- Or, I don't sleep with my baby?

- Whoops!

- Uffffff!

- Shut up!

- Well shut up.

- Intolerable.

-Oi Oi Why are you wiping on the other side? I will talk to my daughter.

- Girl? Who told you girl?

- I know, it will be my daughter. Lakshi will be a girl like you.

- Done, sleep now.

- Oh, I won't sleep

- So?

- I will talk to my daughter. You can sleep if you want.

- Uff unbearable.

-Mom and mom, can you hear? Your mom feels so jealous and says I want to talk to you.

Your mom is a bitch. You're daddy's girl, right?

-Will you let me sleep? How can I sleep if you talk like this? And take your hand off my stomach.

- I am talking to my daughter, what about you?

- Oh God, you put me in a mosque.

I woke up in the morning and saw Abhay sleeping with his hand on my stomach.

All night he talked to his daughter. He thought it was his daughter.

He looks so innocent today. As he looked the morning after the wedding. I closed my eyes as soon as he woke up. And he put his hand on my head and gently kissed my forehead.

And started saying, how innocent you are. What a beautiful Lakshmi girl. And how much I have hurt you.

forgive me

Suddenly his tears fell on my hand, I pretended to wake up from sweating. He wiped his eyes and said, let's get fresh and have breakfast.

After getting fresh, both of us went to the breakfast table. I gave my hand to the breakfast and Abhay said, I will feed my daughter with my own hands, since my daughter is in your womb, you will eat my daughter. So ha karo haa.

-How much will you burn me?

- For life. Any problems?

Abhay fed me breakfast with his own hands. Mom brought clothes for him after shopping.

Abhay cooked lunch today, he will cook and feed his daughter.

Abhay fed me even in the afternoon.

My mother, father and mother-in-law are enjoying this very much.

Mother comes to see me. Father-in-law also sees me on video call from Dubai. Talks.

Abhay takes care of me a lot, serves me. When I feel bad, he pats my head. When my feet hurt, he massages my feet.

As a husband he takes enough care of me as a father of an unborn child. Now he is a perfect husband, a perfect father.

Maliha has sent a divorce letter to Abhay. I heard she married a rich businessman.

Slowly my baby started growing in my belly.

Nine months are over, in a few days I will see my child's face, I will hold him in my arms, my chest fills with joy.

Suddenly one day at night I started having severe pain.

Abhay gets scared, calls mom. Mom says I need to be taken to hospital immediately.

Abhay took me in his arms and took me to the car.

We reached the hospital, all the way Abhay kept patting my head.

I saw that day, tears for me in his eyes. It was as if he was suffering from my pain.

The doctor at the hospital told me to take me to the OT, and said it was delivery pain.

Abhay is holding my hand, mom says let go of his hand, dad will take him now.

Abhay doesn't want to let go of my hand, only tears are falling from his eyes.

Abhay then let go of my hand on the words of mother, father and the doctor. He kissed my forehead and said, nothing will happen to you.

Don't be afraid, you will come out of the room safely with my daughter.

One more thing, love.

Saying this, Abhay let go of my hand.

Abhay, mom and dad are waiting outside.

Meanwhile, my mother-in-law also arrived.

After some time the doctor went out and told Abhay,

You have a daughter.

- And my honey?

- Both your wife and baby are healthy. They will be transferred to another room shortly.

- Well doctor. Thank you, thank you very much.

A nurse took our baby and handed it to Abhay.

Everyone hugs and hugs our daughter.

After some time, Abhay comes to the room with his daughter.

He came and kissed my forehead.

-Didn't I say we will have a daughter? Look at my achievement.


- Hmm, my daughter is received. After a thousand sorrows, hardships, storms, storms, sacrifices, we have received this priceless treasure.

That's why I named her Patti.

Abhay laid Pattima next to me. I kissed her small hands.

Then I asked Abhay,

What did you say before taking me to the office?

Abhay held my hand and said,


I also told him,

I am more than you,


Then mom and dad and everyone entered the room. Everyone was happy to get the result.

After I recovered a little, I was released from the hospital.

Abhay asked, where are we going now?

I said, where again?

Father's house

Vijay's smile on Abhay's face today. I am also happy with his happiness.

If I had gone to her house with her that day, she would never have understood my value in her life.

So I did not go that day. I wanted him to correct his mistake and present himself to me in perfect form.

Love me, love me truly.

Yes, he loves me now, very much. That's why I came today to my husband's house, to my grandfather's house.

Life is going on, in joy, in love.

Abhay's love and getting our daughter is the biggest achievement of my life. Achievement of Prapty

Everyone pray for us.

