If you know | Romantic Love Story | Part 17/42


If you know | SM Mahfuj Alam | Part 17/42

If you know | SM Mahfuj Alam | Part 17/42

It's almost morning. It's still dark all around. Slowly the surrounding environment became clear in the dim light. Aadhaar is running out slowly. Rupa is sleeping soundly on Turan's shoulder. The sound of Silver's breathing made Turan's chest tremble. Turan said in a warm voice,

-'Rupa... get up. It's morning.'

After calling a few times, Rupa sleepily said,

- 'I will sleep, I do not disturb. The eyes are burning.'

-' Go home and sleep. It's morning. There will be a problem.'

-' If not at home, where? does not move Disturbing sleep.'

Rupa is talking randomly. Things are getting involved. Every word said by Rupar is hitting Turan's chest like a sharp knife. Talking to a girl's sleepy eyes is like intoxicating. Will this girl understand the storm that is blowing in my chest? Turan laughs quietly.

- ' Look at Rupa.. Look at Sahela aunty.'

As soon as Turan said this, Rupa opened her eyes. He said in a scared voice.

- 'Where's mom?'

Turan laughs.

-'At home.'

Rupa Elopathari killed, started punching Turan. She said with tears in her eyes.

"Why did you lie?"

- 'Don't you have to go home?'

Rupa thought for a while and said,

-' And so I forget everything. I thought I was sleeping at home.'

Rupa looked at Turan with deep concentration. How sharp is the vision?

Why are you looking like this? It seems to eat.'

Rupa looked down from Turan and said,

- 'You are very good. That's why I love you so much.'

- I am not a bicycle wheel. Palm should not be paid.'

Rupa's face is heavy. Turan smiled and said,

- 'I also love Rupa Pagli.'


Sahela Begum entered the kitchen after finishing Fajr prayer.

Aziz quickly made a cup of tea for Chowdhury.

Without Rupa K, the house looks completely empty. Sahela Begum went to the balcony and stood.

Turan and Rupa suddenly saw each other. Two people are coming to talk. Where did the silver come from at this time? Her mother said how many days Rupa will stay with her mother. Sahela Begum quickly walked in front of the gate.

Turan is shocked to see Sahela Begum. Is he coming to listen to Turan? Turan managed himself in a moment. Rupa is completely clueless. Sahela Begum has no idea that they can be suspected in Rupa's face. It was quite natural that it should happen.

Sahela Begum eagerly asked,

-' Where did you come from? Where did you find Turan? You didn't make any trouble, did you?'

Rupa said in a normal voice,

-' I don't like it, so I'm leaving. And he was out jogging and met him on the way.'

Turan gasped. What a beautiful lie I will tell Rupa. Who says these are pure lies.

Turan went to her room while Sahela Begum and Rupa were talking.

- 'Who are you talking to your mother? How many days will you visit?'

-' I wanted to go with him? You sent it by force.'

At this stage, the face becomes heavy. As if to cry.

-' Something happened to you? Is he beating you again? You didn't leave without any incident, did you?'

After being silent for a while, Rupa said,

Call him and tell him I'm coming. And never come to take me. They are very unkind.'

-' Will you tell me what they did?'

Rupa is silent without saying anything. Not answering anything.

Sahela Begum is repeatedly asking,

- Why do you come quietly? Say something.'

Rupera's mother's phone call comes. Sahela Begum left Rupera's room and received the phone.

On receiving the phone, he said in a worried voice from the other side,

- 'Rupa did you go there?'

- Yes, this just came. I think I'll give you a call, but you gave the call.'

A teary voice said from the other side of the phone,

- 'My daughter will never be normal? I did not treat him badly this time. And I used to beat him because of his madness, when I lost my patience. Why did he leave now?'

-' Look, he is a mental patient, his mind is very sensitive. Whenever you want...'

Before Sahela Begum finished speaking, Rupa's mother said,

"You are such a great psychiatrist!" My daughter has not been able to do well so far?'

Sahela Begum took a deep breath and said,

-' He is much more normal than before. Slowly everything will be fine. I am treating him at my home instead of in the hospital. Do I think less of him than you?'

Rupa's mother is crying more and more. After talking, Sahela Begum came to the silver room. The mood is getting worse on silver. What would happen if he stayed with his mother for two days?

Sahela Begum said in an angry voice,

- Why are you not coming? Why are you so stubborn day after day? Your mother is crying, do you understand the matter?'

- 'You are my mother. They are not mine. They feel bored. They burn people. Why so merciless?'

Rupa shouted. Sahela Begum sits next to Rupa. He said in a soft voice.

- That's why you left? Listen, mother, this is the rule of your religion. There is nothing unkind here. A kind of rule of a religion.'

Rupa did not try to understand anything. Sahela Begum did not say anything more about it. He was silent for a while and said,

- 'Don't you remember Pranayan at all?'

- 'I don't know how many times to say.'

- 'Try to remember.'

Rupa is blowing in anger. He was silent for a while and shouted,

Why are you burning me? What is your problem? Will not let me live? Want it to be vandalized? Pranay Roy's phone will never be given to me. What do I have to do with him?'

Sahela Begum did not say anything else. Better not to excite Rupa further. Sahela Begum left the room.

Rupa lay down for a while after Sahela Begum left. A little later he got up and sat in front of the dressing table. Today, Ruper is very sorry for her hair. Why was it cut? Such big hair is not seen in manners.

Rupa applied dark kajal to her eyes. Turan says that Kajal looks like an apsari to him. She came to the balcony with light lipstick on her lips. It's time to go to Turan's varsity. Ruper is acting strangely fond of thinking about last night.

Turan left the house in a hurry. Eyes stuck looking at Rupa.

Turan threw a paper towards the balcony without saying anything. And pointedly said,

-' It's getting late. I don't have time.'

Rupa smiled and unfolded the paper. written on paper,

"Rupa Moni has a surprise for you"

Rupa laughed. Watching Turan leave. Silver coins? Rupa laughed again. Beautiful name!

All the pieces of paper given by Turan are hidden in a box behind the dressing table. These cannot be called letters, they can be called notes. Because none of these papers contain more than two lines.

After some time Sahela Begum went to the hospital and Aziz Chowdhury went to his office.

Loneliness in the room again crowded Rupa's mind. Taking out the sari given by Turan from the drawer, he looks at it carefully. What could be the surprise? Time is not passing.

Opening the box of notes and reading all the notes one by one and smiling quietly.

At noon Sahela Begum and Aziz Chowdhury came. Turan comes one and a half to two hours after Aziz Chowdhury and Sahela Begum arrive every day.

Rupa is sitting in her room. Aziz Chowdhury is calling Rupa from the dining room. Mustard Hilsa and Polao. Rupa always appreciates the taste of Sahela Begum's hand cooking.

After eating, Sahela Begum and Aziz Chowdhury went to their rooms. Now they will sleep a little. Rupa quietly went to the dining room with a plate of food and left for Turan's room. Turan is just returning home.

Rupa bent her lips and said,

- Can't you come a little sooner? Don't understand that I wait.'

-' I try to come as soon as possible. I know Rupa will be standing on the balcony for me.'

Rupa stood in front of Turan, placing the plate in his hand on the table. Feel free to say,

-' Hug yourself a little?'

Rupa jumped on Turan's chest. Says in an emotional voice,

- 'Do you know why I hug you?'

- 'Why?'

- 'Your chest is Shantimahal.'

Turan laughed. How simple Rupa speaks. without any excuse.

-' done, done leave! Eat something you didn't eat at noon.'

Looking at the plate on the table, Turan said,

-' What did you bring on the plate?'

- Mustard hilsa and chicken. Mom sent for you.'

Rupa pauses and says,

-' I will eat but.'

Turan laughs.

-' This is the luck of my seven children.'

-' It's done.'

A crazy girl! Turan didn't know he could love so much. Such girls have a different taste of love.

At one point in the meal, Turan says,

-' I think these were not sent by Sahela Aunty. You brought it yourself.'

Rupa laughs.

- 'How do you understand so much?'

-' That means you brought it secretly?'

Rupa shakes her head and says,

- 'Yes.'

-' If you understand that you will never do this again?'

- 'I will do it a thousand times.'

Why is silver so single! Whatever you say yourself.

-' Rupa spent the whole night talking to Kalka. How can you talk so much?'

- 'I am a good speaker, you are a good listener.'

That's why Rupa laughed. Stop laughing and say,

- 'I really liked yesterday night.'

Rupa laughed again. Turan says,

- 'Don't you see the surprise?'

Rupa, biting her tongue with her hands on her head, said,

-' I thought about the surprise all day but now I forgot.'

Turan took out a pair of nupurs from the bag. Rupa's eyes sparkled.

- 'You don't work. Where did you get these money?'

- 'I have collected the money of Tiushi. This is one more year and then I will pass engineering. Then I will get a good job. I will marry Rupa and make her a queen.'

Rupa is looking closely at Nupur's clothes.

- 'Well, Rupa, just tell me one thing, haven't you studied at all?'

Rupa shakes her head and says,

- I feel like I did! I don't do it now.'

Turan began to think that his love is strange! He doesn't know much about the person he loves.

- 'If you don't study, don't you love?'

Turan took Rupa's hand and said,

-' Everyone knows everything and loves. Let our love be a little unknown love. I love you just the way you are. Let me teach Nupur.'

To be continued...
Next Part is 18/42
